PPC Advertising (AdWords Pay Per Click)
Instant First Page RankingsStart Getting Better Results Online using
Google AdWords for Strategic Internet Marketing
One of the top benefits of Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, also known as Sponsored or Paid Search, is that you can get a first page ranking for your desired keyword phrases, that your customers are searching for every day, in a fraction of the time compared to SEO. That means that you get right in front of an audience of millions and you only pay when someone who’s searching for your products or services clicks on one of your ads.
“This is about getting in front of people who are looking for what you sell right at this moment and getting them to respond. It’s about understanding your audience, refining your sales message, perfecting your sales process,upping your ‘high score’ and determining your Return On Investment, faster than ever before in the history of marketing – and doing all of this for a very modest sum of money.”
In the days before Google, testing and refining our marketing process was slow and expensive. If you sent out a direct marketing piece, it would cost a lot of money and you would have to wait a long time before you could judge the results. Then you would refine your campaign and send out more marketing pieces and would wait again to see what the results would be.
Enter Google AdWords. You can literally create a campaign in 10 minutes and see it presented in front of millions of people around the world. You can judge the results in much less time by seeing how many people click on your ad. If you use AdWords the right way, you’ll have a higher click-thru ratio which means the number of times your ad was displayed divided by the amount of times people clicked on it. The higher the better.
Most business owners who use AdWords (themselves) don’t actually know how to use it at all. It still brings them business but most of the time they’re spending a lot more than they have to.
So yes, there’s definitely a science to it, and a way to make it work to your advantage faster and with less money than any other advertising medium out there. You can learn PPC strategies on your own and test them out over time – or you could save yourself thousands of dollars if you let us work with you to build your campaigns, create effective ads, run tests and work to increase your return on investment.

Search Engine Optimization
Natural, white hat, long term strategies for long term results.
AdWords Yahoo Bing PPC
Intelligent, systematic, campaign building and management.
Social Media Management
Building & nurturing a community of fans & followers.
Core Marketing Coaching
Get clear and motivated to grow your business.
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